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Adaptive Personalized App

Passit for Humber Simulation 2: Main Menu Snapshot

How It Works

This Passit guide is custom-designed specifically for Humber Simulation 2, leveraging our proprietary educational platform to deliver a powerful and personalized learning experience. Every question, tool and feature is tailored to the course content, ensuring you're studying exactly what you need to succeed. Our intelligent engine adapts to your progress, offering targeted question sets, auto-saved history and continuous performance tracking. Access hundreds of expert-developed practice questions with detailed explanations, all within an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Compatible with any modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge or Firefox).

Multiple Choice Questions

Sample Multiple Choice Question

How It Works

Each multiple choice question includes detailed explanations for all four answer options. Our MCQs range from testing basic knowledge to complex scenarios. You'll know why the correct answer was right and the incorrect answers were wrong. Topic Tips, Solution Details and Market Realities are included, where appropriate, to ensure your full understanding.

Rapid Recall Questions

Sample Rapid Recall Question

How It Works

Our rapid recall flash cards have fully-detailed answer explanations. Flash cards help you learn faster because they promote active recall. It’s one of the ways that our brains learn most effectively. Get a better grip on course materials by studying online anytime, anywhere. To keep things lively, Passit also tracks the total questions you've answered correctly in a row, which is saved as your current streak.

Multi-Part Case Studies

Simulation 2 Case Study Practice Questions

How It Works

The Simulation 2 exam is heavily weighted towards scenario-based question styles. A special Case Studies section in Passit challenges you with in-depth, multi-part questions based on real world scenarios.

Progress Tracker

Sample Progress Tracker Snapshot

How It Works

It's easy to get lost in a sea of questions and lose sight of personal progress. The Progress Tracker sifts through your study session data to deliver mission-critical stats, strategic tips and clear next steps. This lets you skip the guesswork, avoid wasted time and focus your study efforts on what really matters for your Humber real estate exam. It’s part of our dynamic, custom engine that is personalized just for you.

Test Triggers

Humber Simulation 2 Test Triggers

How It Works

Test Triggers get you quickly up-to-speed on need-to-know testable facts for each Simulation 2 topic. Organized by day, this feature is a powerful way to improve understanding, reduce study time and easily prioritize key points for focused review and recall.

Breakout Boosters

Humber Course 4 Study Buddy

How It Works

Build your confidence for role plays and group discussions with our exclusive Breakout Boosters — these offer a deeper dive into select Simulation 2 topics. Learn how situations are handled in the marketplace.

Math Primer

Snapshot of Passit Math Primer Menu

How It Works

We developed the math primer to boost confidence for those who struggle with basic calculations. The primer has a 9-page explainer (with examples) followed by 50 interactive questions. It’s all about basics but remember that math skills are cumulative. Calculations that you will face in your career are built in one way or another on our primer fundamentals. Get the basics under control now before you have to tackle mortgage calculations, cash flows and investment returns later.

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Passit for Humber College
Simulation 2

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Important To Know

  • This is a one-time transaction, not a subscription.
  • Your card details are processed privately and securely by our payment processor (Stripe) and are not accessible by Passit.
  • The checkout system only supports cards in Canadian currency.
  • The 3-week access time can be easily extended using paid options available after activation.
  • Passit guides are single-user only and are non-refundable once activated and used.

Passit for
Humber College
Simulation 2

$23.99 +HST

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Guide Details

Professionally Developed, Always Up-To-Date

This Passit Study Guide for Humber College Simulation 2 builds practice-ready knowledge and skills, setting you up perfectly for the exam, while also providing real-world knowledge that's invaluable for a future career. This guide makes it easy to be well-prepared and confident for the exam. Build analytic skills while expanding much-needed knowledge. Best of all, gain access to helpful, reliable and accurate practice questions to make exam day a breeze. That's a win/win/win.

Why Do I Need Passit?

Like any other registration course, you will face test obstacles, but we’ve done all the legwork.
Here are your four biggest challenges:

  1. Limited Exam Prep Time:
    The simulation ends on the fourth morning and the MCQ exam is right after lunch. That leaves minimal preparation time.
  2. Math!
    Get ready for financial analysis, cap rates, rental revenues, vacancy/credit losses, net operating incomes and more. They are all part of the testing action. Relax, you’ll have lots of practice with our MCQs and detailed explanations and solutions.
  3. Course 4 Is Back in Play:
    Didn’t quite understand or can’t recall specifics about abate to rent, clustering, floor loads, building types, net leases, percentage rents or drafting commercial clauses? Key Course 4 topics are reviewed so you can tackle the exam with confidence.
  4. Knowing is OK . . . But Applying is Now Mission Critical:
    You’ve probably relied on memory to push through exam days up till now. The Simulation 2 exam is built around scenarios. Questions focus on applying knowledge to real-life situations rather than merely remembering facts. That’s when our custom 'pratice-ready' features, like Case Studies, Test Triggers and Breakout Boosters really shine.

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