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Terms and Conditions is owned and operated by Pixel Pros Inc. (PPI). Read all terms and conditions carefully before using the website. If you do not agree with all terms and conditions contained herein, do not use this site. These terms and conditions also appear when purchasing any Passit Online Study Guide and must be agreed to by clicking the I have read and agree to the above terms, conditions and privacy policy checkbox, before accessing the specific guide.

Single User, Timed Access Only

The right to use any Passit Online Study Guide is strictly based on a single user arrangement. The term single user is defined as restricted access by one user from one device at a time. A user can access the program from any chosen location provided that only one login is active at any given time (i.e., no concurrent use on different devices). Any user is strictly prohibited from sharing a study guide, selling access to a study guide or otherwise transferring access, in any way including offering to do so or advertising to do so, the right to use a study guide to any other person or organization. PPI reserves the right to monitor access dates, times and IP addresses to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of the site. Under no circumstances is multi-user use permitted; i.e., two or more individuals having access to a single study guide. Single-user access is closely monitored and strictly enforced. PPI reserves the right to immediately terminate, at its sole and absolute discretion, a user's access upon suspicion of multi-user access. See also Termination.

     The right to use is based on timed access; i.e., a specified time period beginning at point of activation. Access is automatically terminated at the end of that specified period. Timed access varies by individual study guide. A user may purchase an extension of time as outlined in the "Extend Expiry" page from within an ACTIVE guide. A decision to purchase additional days by way of an extension, rather than purchasing another full access period, is at the sole discretion of the user. The non-use of any time-period for a particular study guide does not give rise to a refund or transferral of time to any other study guide. Each study guide must be activated within one year of purchase.

System Requirements/Web Access

Passit Online Study Guides can be accessed using a current web browser. PPI will not take responsibility for users experiencing computer or device difficulties arising from, but not limited to, existing virus damage, hardware failure, software incompatibilities, browser plug-in conflicts, network connectivity issues, or legacy equipment, operating systems, or browsers. Further, support will not be provided for requests resulting from a lack of general knowledge in standard computer/device usage, e-mail abilities and basic browser functionality. The user must also provide a device with a connection to the internet, and pay any associated fees for such connection.

Confidentiality, Unauthorized Use and Indemnification

Passit Online Study Guides are accessed by way of the user's e-mail address and password. You are responsible to ensure that the password, chosen at point of activation, is kept confidential. A unique e-mail address is required for activation; i.e., two users cannot share the same e-mail address. When granted access to a Passit Online Study Guide, you are responsible for any subsequent use of that study guide, including any unauthorized use by others. You must report any unauthorized use or known breach of security immediately to the Study Guide Administrator. Lastly, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless PPI from any damages, costs or other matters involving yourself, including the failing of any examination, or involving third parties that result from such use or misuse.

User Conduct

PPI reserves the right at all times and without limitation to terminate access if, in PPI's sole determination:

  • the user through conduct or e-mail communication promotes or contains any sexually explicit, illegal, obscene, discriminatory or harassing materials, or any other conduct or communication that is judged unsuitable by PPI for any other reason.
  • the user is suspected of, or verified to be violating PPI copyright terms (see Copyright below), including user behaviour that is consistent with with collecting, storing, reorganizing or manipulating Passit data through unauthorized automated or manual data mining and/or screen scraping.
  • the user through conduct via e-mail communciation or ANY OTHER communication incuding forums, blogs and other social media, promotes or contains any derogatory, erroneous, nuisance-related, provoking, annoying and/or unprofessional material which is judged unsuitable, unacceptable or unwarranted by PPI.

PPI also reserves the right at all times and without limitation to refuse any subsequent activation(s) and associated usage of any and all Passit Online Study Guides by persons who have been previously terminated due to unacceptable User Conduct as described above. Any decision regarding termination is at PPI's sole and absolute discretion. Any refund due to termination involving User Conduct is at the sole and absolute discretion of PPI.

Study Aid Only, No Content Support

Passit Online Study Guides are study aids only. No support is given for course content. The Study Guide Administrator is only authorized to address e-mail inquiries regarding activation problems, technical hardware/software issues, software malfunciton of the question/answer database and other software-related issues. The "Report a Problem" feature within any study guides is to be used only by users experiencing difficulties with the aforementioned issues. It is NOT to be utilized by users who are having difficulty applying course content interpretation to Passit questions. Any abuse of the "Report a Problem" feature in this regard, is deemed to be inappropriate and a violation of User Conduct for purposes of these "Terms and Conditions" and is subject to immediate termination at the sole and absolute discretion of PPI.

     No assistance is provided regarding course content, including its interpretation or clarification. However, all study guide questions do include applicable topic/subtopic references (including page numbers) in the applicable course. Students should use facilities provided by Humber Polytechnic and, more particularly, the Humber Real Estate Education Support Line for all content-related issues. Users agree not to copy questions from any study guide as this is a violation of copyright and may result in immediate cancellation of access to the applicable study guide.

Ontario Use Only

Passit Online Study Guides are developed for courses offered in Ontario leading to registration as a real estate salesperson or broker. Persons accessing this website or purchasing these study guides from other jurisdictions do so at their own discretion and risk. Information provided relates only to Ontario and the user must determine what may or may not apply within his/her respective jurisdiction.

No Representation Regarding Examination

Passit Online Study Guides offer various study aids to help students in reviewing and recalling course content, and are not in any way a substitute for the course materials. PPI makes no representation whatsoever regarding whether a student will successfully pass the respective examination conducted by Humber Polytechnic. The successful completion of any examination is based on personal skills, knowledge and aptitude, the ability to effectively handle a test environment, the particular exam generated and a thorough and complete understanding of the entire course. PPI accepts no responsibility for and excludes all liability in connection with such matters. The user agrees to hold PPI safe and harmless from any associated costs or damages.

     Passit Online Study Guides include a Test Mode. The Test Mode is NOT an examination, nor is it intended to accurately reflect what questions would be included in any examination. Marks given for correct answers in Test Mode are for feedback purposes and personal assessment of knowledge acquired. Marks attained in Test Mode do not, in any way, indicate possible success in the respective course examination conducted by Humber Polytechnic.


All rights reserved. All components of Passit are copyright-protected work which are owned by PPI. No part of this website and any Passit Online Study Guide purchased on this website can be reproduced, edited, altered, copied, downloaded, distributed, or otherwise transmitted without the express written consent of PPI. This right extends to all files contained on PPI servers, including text, artwork, images, audio, video, source code and any other features contained within this website and Passit Online Study Guides. This right includes the prohibition of any downloading, copying or other reproduction of any Passit content for offline use or posting on any forum, social media, website or any other media whatsoever. This right also includes the prohibition of any manual or automated screen scraping or data mining of any content within any Passit Online Study Guide for any purpose. Such actions can result in legal action involving immediate cessation of such unauthorized use and any and all associated damages arising from copyright infringement. Any such infringement can also result in the immediate termination of study guide access at the sole and absolute discretion of PPI. The governing law is the Province of Ontario.


All materials on this website and all Passit Online Study Guides are without express or implied warranties of any kind. PPI does not in any way warrant or make representations regarding the adequacy, correctness, sufficiency, suitability or applicability of information provided, or the fitness of such information for a particular purpose. Further, PPI is not in any way responsible for defects, errors or omissions that may exist on the website or within specific guides. Guide content is based solely on Humber Polytechnic course material and PPI is not responsible for the validity of such course materials. Additionally, as information and products are being accessed via the Internet, PPI, including any associated service provider or other organization associated with these products, is not responsible for any damage or loss of data arising from such use. PPI makes no warranty or representation that this website and Passit Online Study Guides will meet user requirements or that service provided will not be interrupted. However, PPI will attempt to remedy any such interruption in a timely fashion. PPI reserves the right to revise content within the website and study guides at any time or times and is not liable for loss or damage incurred by the user as a result of such revisions.

No Refund Policy

All sales are final.


Termination of a user’s account is at the sole and absolute discretion of PPI, if you fail to comply with any terms and conditions set out herein.

Service Disruption/No Access

Passit Online Study Guides are accessed by way of contracted host servers that are highly reliable, but some service interruptions are inevitable. Many factors beyond the direct control of PPI and Passit Online Study Guides can result in these disruptions that do not relate directly to our software. Accordingly, PPI and Passit Online Study Guides make no warranty or representation that this website and associated guides will not be interrupted or the length of time that such interruptions may last. Persons accessing the online study guides should act prudently by scheduling adequate study times over the access period for the respective guide, thereby minimizing the impact of a service interruption(s) at an inconvenient time. This caution is particularly directed to students who leave online study activities until one or two days before an examination, only to be frustrated should an unexpected service disruption occur.

Performance-Based Feedback

Passit Online Study Guides include selected performance-based tracking devices to assist individual users in self-assessing learning progress while using a specific guide. Collection of this performance-based information, including correct/incorrect answers, is used solely as feedback both via software reporting mechanisms transmitted directly to the user and/or in e-mail communication with the user, where deemed relevant by PPI. See our Privacy Policy for further details about the collection and use of personal information. PPI uses aggregated, non-personal information derived from user database activity to analyze overall trends, improve service, highlight course problem areas for users, enhance the learning process, and perform question reliability/validation analysis when necessary.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Continued use of the website and/or any Passit Online Study Guide, following their inclusion in these Terms and Conditions, constitutes acceptance of such changes.


Privacy Policy

Passit Online Study Guides are a product of Pixel Pros Inc. (PPI). PPI is committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality and security of any personal information gathered in relation to products sold by the company. Our privacy policy meets requirements of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the ten principles set forth in the Model Code for Protection of Personal Information, as established by the Canadian Standards Association.

Privacy Principles:


PPI is responsible for personal information in its care and control. PPI has designated an individual who is accountable to ensure that the company and its employees comply with the privacy principles, as set out herein. Any inquiries or questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Privacy Officer.

Identifying Purposes

PPI will identify the purposes for which personal information is collected, either before or at the time of collection. PPI collects information related to the online delivery, billing and collecting payment for products offered, to provide information about such products to you, to properly understand your ongoing needs to ensure a high level of service, to advise you of other PPI product offerings, and to communicate with you regarding any relevant issues involving the product (including any suggestions and other commentary provided by you).

     Personal information includes, but is not limited to, contact information including name, e-mail address and phone number. Typically, the collection of information is self-evident; i.e., providing contact information at the time of purchase in order to ensure proper online delivery and communication should problems arise. Otherwise, PPI will identify the purpose for such disclosure.


PPI only collects, uses and discloses personal information with your knowledge and consent, except where otherwise required or permitted by law. Consent can be either express or implied, and can include using or not using a checkoff box or other similar electronic instruction. The type of consent obtained by PPI will depend on many factors including the sensitivity of the information being requested and the reasonable expectations of a person acquiring an online product.

Limiting Collection

PPI limits the collection of personal information solely for the purposes identified.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

Personal information is only used or disclosed for the stated purpose for which it was collected, except with your consent or as required by law. PPI will only retain your personal information for the time period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.


PPI will keep personal information as accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.


PPI will protect personal information that is collected with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.


Information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information will be made readily available to you.


Upon your request, PPI will inform you of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information, as well as give you access to the information. You have the right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of your information, and to amend it as necessary.

Challenging Compliance

You may contact PPI with any questions, complaints or suggestions with respect to the above principles. If a complaint is made and found justifiable, PPI will take appropriate steps to amend applicable policies and practices. All enquiries should be directed to the Privacy Officer by e-mailing

Contact Info

Pixel Pros Inc.
1235 Fairview Street, Suite 340
Burlington, ON L7S 2K9 or Send Us a Message