Last Minute Studying? Tips When Time is of the Essence
So, you’ve been busy juggling work, family and study time, and now the OREA exam is less than a week away. Here’s our master study plan for getting the most out of Passit during those last few days:
- Set aside 45 minutes for each study session
- Warm yourself up with 10 Rapid Recalls
- Challenge 20 MCQs in Study Mode, Entire Course option
- Review your results and note your areas of difficulty
- Take a break, refresh!
Repeat this pattern as time permits, paying attention to the topics you found challenging and re-reading course topics, as necessary, to ensure a solid understanding of the material. Challenge the Top 10 when you’re feeling confident!
Tackling The Exam Simulator
Use the Exam Simulator judiciously. As there is only one retired OREA exam available, repeating the exam simulator many times can provide an inaccurate view of your progress, as the questions don’t change. We recommend tackling the Exam Simulator when you feel you are prepared to complete the questions in one sitting, with limited distractions, and devote the same focus as needed on exam day. Instead of repeating the Exam Simulator multiple times, if you feel you need more ‘exam-style’ preparation, choose Test Mode from the MCQ menu and select a 1, 2 or 3 hour test. Test Mode is timed and will provide an optimized question set to cover all chapters, with priority given to previously unanswered questions from the 500+ Passit MCQs.
The Night Before Your Exam
Review your results and choose two or three chapters to focus on. Complete 10 questions from each chapter and pay close attention to any provided Topic Tipsand Solution Details. If time permits, try an MCQ set in Test Mode as preparation for the following day. On areas of difficulty, focus on understanding the application of the underlying concept (instead of trying to memorize the particular question/answer). Have a good rest!
Remember to take a few minutes before your exam to take a deep breath, relax and focus.