COVID-19 & Humber Course 3 Update
Over the past few weeks, the outbreak of COVID-19 has caused unprecedented change to the way we all live and work. Many have been caught in a transitional time while preparing for a new real estate career. This post is intended to give some helpful updates and suggestions to assist with exam delays.
Why Haven’t I Received An Update Regarding Passit for Humber Course 3?
Due to COVID-19, we’ve paused all email announcements, except those that are automatically generated by our forum or blog to those who have followed a topic or engaged with a post. Given the seriousness of COVID-19, we don’t feel it’s an appropriate time for non-essential emails or product promotion. Like many, we are in an uncertain time as we wait to see how Humber and OREA will be handling exams in the near future. We continue to support all of our team and services through the shutdowns, so that students who want to study through the delays have that option. For those that have been patiently waiting and want to start studying today, the Passit Guide for Humber Course 3 is now available.
Should I Activate Today or Wait?
We know some people will want to study through the delay and others will pause studying until exams resume. The 8-week timeframe for the Passit Humber Course 3 guide (if activated today, April 2) would provide unlimited access to May 28th. Paid extension and renewal options are available should you need more time.
Due to the uncertainty relating to postponed exams, we are recommending that students concerned about the extra costs relating to extensions/renewals should delay the activation of new guides until there’s some clarity relating to exam scheduling. Our guides are perfect for students who want reliable, helpful study tools leading up to exams, and we always recommend timing guide activation carefully to align with available exam dates. Extra costs relating to an extension/renewal may be too much for some. For those concerned about the timeframes, the no-risk approach is to continue to use your Humber course materials, and activate Passit once exam schedules are known.
Humber and OREA are considering alternate exam proctoring options, so we are hopeful there will be clearer answers soon.
Why Is It Taking So Long For Humber and OREA to Ramp Up Virtual Proctoring?
Ontario real estate exams have never been offered virtually. Both Humber and OREA are investigating virtual proctoring, and delivering that alternative may take longer than you anticipate. Key considerations are identification, security and ensuring there is no risk of compromising the system in any way. The wait time is frustrating, but careful setup of online proctoring is key to maintaining the integrity of real estate education, which leads to salesperson registration under provincial legislation.
What Should I Do In The Meantime?
One of the toughest challenges for most is how to be productive in the gap that has held up your progress. Here’s our top tips:
- Keep yourself in top shape with a daily study session (either via your course materials or Passit), even if it’s just for 30 minutes.
- Set aside time in your schedule for learning something new about the real estate industry. Use YouTube and Google to your advantage, and if you haven’t already, start following the social media profiles of respected real estate professionals in your area. Their posts will help you stay informed as to how the industry is tackling and responding to challenges from COVID-19.
- Start pro-actively planning your steps once registered. Now is a perfect time to research possible farming areas, use realtor.ca to stay informed about local listing inventory and to research upcoming development projects (Buzz Buzz Homes is helpful).
- Research brokerages in your area and connect with them online! Many offices are closed, but we know some brokers of record who are inviting students to connect via video chat. Identifying the brokerage you plan to join can give you a head start, as that choice determines:
- What will be provided by the brokerage and what you need to do (e.g., website, branding, training, CRM, etc.).
- What MLS® system you’ll use once registered. Start learning the ropes in advance with the tools they are able to provide.
- What service providers and software the brokerage uses. Get familiar with apps/software and research the suppliers you’ll likely be in daily contact with (e.g., sign providers, photographers, stagers, home inspectors, etc).
- One tool you are guaranteed to use post-registration is GeoWarehouse. Their website includes a comprehensive Resources section that includes free training videos and documentation.
Pro-active steps taken now could help you immensely later! Where possible, take advantage of “stay at home” time, and squeeze career planning into your daily schedule.
We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy, and look forward to brighter days ahead!
2 Responses to COVID-19 & Humber Course 3 Update
What are the plans to conduct exam during this phase? or is it Exams will resume once the covid-19 is over? Please advise.
Hi Darshana, currently all Ontario real estate exams (Humber and OREA) are temporarily suspended. Both organizations have indicated they are considering virtual exam proctoring options, but additional details and timelines have not been provided. If you’ve not yet enrolled with either Humber or OREA you must enrol with Humber (OREA is closing at the end of this year, and not enrolling any new students). You can keep track of their COVID-19 announcements here: Humber and OREA.