Realtor® Calculating Home Measurements

What About Math?!

If you talk to a salesperson registered with RECO prior to 2020, you will quickly discover the math covered in the new Ontario Real Estate Salesperson Program (delivered by Humber College) is significantly less than what was covered in the previous OREA program.

Why is there such a discrepancy between the two programs on math? The OREA program tested math extensively, which ensured registrants were equipped to calculate and explain all details related to a transaction. The Humber program is more compliance-focused, giving more limited attention to math exercises for real-world applications.

To help, we’ve added a new section to Passit for Humber Course 2 and Humber Course 4, called the Math Primer. This is a helpful and interactive intro to math fundamentals that RECO assumes you know (but many do not or have forgotten). Brush up on your analytic skills and give yourself a math-boost before you get into a real-world situation that relies on them.

New Math Primer Feature For Humber Course 2 and Humber Course 4

This math primer is currently not required for the exam, but remember that new exam questions are continuously being added to the Humber database. Regardless, the primer is very important for those who want to be practice-ready for a real estate career. It helps with basic math skills about percentages, decimals and fractions for those who just need a refresher. As a practicing salesperson, you will be expected to complete comparisons or conversions for clients, e.g., % price increases/decreases, number crunching on market trends, list-to-sale ratios, imperial to metric conversions, commission calculations, etc. This primer gets you one step closer to being truly ready for your career.

Remember that all course materials are fair game on the Humber exams. Each exam is different and exams are updated frequently. Be prepared for anything on exam day — ensure you understand all math covered in the course and can accurately complete the math questions included in the Passit MCQ section.

4 Responses to What About Math?!

  1. Janet Squires

    Math is not my strength I am pleased to hear that the Humber college course has significantly less math. Does the Humber college course provide the math formulas in the exam or do you have to memorize them.
    What PASSIT course do you recommend I take to pass the course.

    • Passit Admin

      Our apologies for the delayed reply to your comment, it somehow didn’t pop up until now! The only Humber exam where you are provided formulas is the exam at the end of Simulation #2. For the remainder of the exams, if there is a formula covered in the course you will need to remember it for the exam. You are not expected to memorize metric/imperial conversion factors (Course 2) but should know how to complete the calculation if the factor is provided in the question. Every Passit Study Guide aligns directly with the applicable Humber College course based on the course title. For example, if you’re currently taking Humber Course 2, you would want the Passit Guide for Humber Course 2. We currently offer study guides for Humber Courses 1, 2, 3 and 4. We are currently developing study guides for Simulation Courses 1 & 2. You can see the features included in each guide as well as sample snapshots by choosing a guide at

  2. Taylor Littlewood

    Will calculators be provided on ProctorTrack for course 2 exam? I know there are quite a few different types of math questions that will be asked so I want to make sure I’m prepared either way.

    • Passit Admin

      Hi Taylor, yes, there is a calculator built-in to the Proctortrack exam system. Students have reported being able to use their own non-programmable calculator (preferred by many to the one built-in to the exam system). You should confirm those details with Humber Learner Support by sending them a quick email at Good luck on your exam!

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