New Release: The Real Estate Transaction—General Study Guide
The Passit Online Study Guide for The Real Estate Transaction—General (Course 3 General) is available for purchase. This latest guide is packed with 500+ multiple choice questions, 300+ rapid recall flip screens and 200+ crossword clues, bringing the total to more than 1,000 learning points.
Included in the MCQs are 165 questions devoted specifically to clauses and agreements, designed to provide extensive opportunities to prepare for complex question types. Access time for this study guide has been extended to twelve weeks to give lots of opportunity for practice.
IMPORTANT: This guide covers The Real Estate Transaction—General ONLY.
The Residential Real Estate Transaction study guide will be the next guide released. (The Commercial Real Estate Transaction study guide will not be released until later in 2010.) As you are aware, two courses must be completed leading to the Course 3 examination. Passit Online Study Guides are created for each course text book.