Woman Studying for Ontario Real Estate Exam on iPad

Why an Online Tutor Best Suits Your Study Needs

We developed Passit software to operate as an online tutor. Traditionally, a tutor is a personal instructor who gives you additional, special or remedial instruction. While most people think of a teacher or teaching assistant, the online world has brought new, expanded meanings to the word tutor. Automated online study and exam tutors are avant-garde. Online tutors rarely quit, they are there when you need them, they await your command at 2 p.m. or 2 a.m., they don’t need a coffee break and they don’t require a meeting room. Even a snow storm, heavy rain or traffic gridlock won’t delay the faithful online tutor. In a world filled with wi-fi connections, they’re ready to help in your home office, hot spots such as your favourite coffee shop, or anywhere depending on the functionality of your personal computer.

Automated online tutors just make good sense in today’s fast-paced world.  People starting a real estate career have to juggle family, work and education. Often, it’s late in the day before study even begins. Our stats indicate that online access peaks late in the evening—even on Saturday and Sunday nights! Pressed for time? Passit serves up hundreds of challenging questions to stimulate your brain and expand your knowledge day or night. Learning can be anywhere, anytime when an online tutor is your study buddy.

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