Pencils for the Paper Real Estate Exam

Paper or Electronic Exam

OREA offers both exam formats. Just choose which one you want when booking an examination. The only difference between them: Instead of circling answers on a Scantron card, you simply tap one of four on-screen answer options. Rather than using the exam booklet to make any notes or do calculations, OREA provides note paper. However, the note paper stays in the exam room when you’re finished.

The big benefit of online? Marks within 24 hours (often immediately). Computer-based exams are most commonly offered during the week. Paper-based are most commonly on Saturdays. Some locations only offer one or the other, and others give you the option (e.g., exams written at York University have a choice).

The biggest risk with online? Rushing through the questions and not carefully and methodically checking your answers.

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