Exam Scheduling Strategy
There has been some confusion as the Humber courses start because the course and exam scheduling follows a more traditional College structure than previously used for OREA exams. Here’s what you need to know:
- Each Humber real estate course has a definitive course completion time. For example, the first course Real Estate Essentials has a two-week completion time, which means you must complete the online course in two weeks.
- Once the course is complete you can then schedule your exam. This date is completely flexible and can be any date you choose, keeping in mind that you must complete the entire program in 24 months.
- Access to course materials remains open after completion of the course so you can properly review and prepare for the exam in a timeframe suitable for your schedule.
We recommend not rushing to challenge your exam as each attempt is $100, and after two failed attempts you must re-take the entire course. For those students looking for companion exam prep study materials, you may not want to rush your exam date as Passit Guides for the new Humber Real Estate Salesperson Program are currently in development. The first Passit Guide for Real Estate Essentials is estimated to be available in the latter part of October. Sign up for email notifications to receive important Passit updates and new guide announcements for the Humber real estate courses.
6 Responses to Exam Scheduling Strategy
Hi. I’m waiting to use passit practice exam before I schedule my first exam. Will it be available soon?
Thanks. Fifena
Hi Fifena, yes, we are in the final stages of development of this guide and will be providing additional details and information next week. If you haven’t already sign up to receive an email notification as soon as details are available.
So since you’re only just finishing the first course does that mean that you haven’t even started the second course for Humber?
Hi Sarah, our current focus is the release of the study guide for Course 1, but our team is working across all of the new pre-registration courses for Humber. We haven’t set a timeline for availability for Course 2 but you can sign up here to receive updates.
I am trying to create an account at PASSIT but every time I am being asked for a PASSIT order number but as I understand program is not ready yet.
Please advise how can I login and communicate with other students
Hi Ravneet, there’s two separate areas: you can find the new forum with other students at humber.passit.ca, and as soon as Humber guides become available you’ll be accessing them at app.passit.ca.