Study Buddy Now Available for Humber Course 2
Awesome news! Pro-level Study Buddy notes are now available in all Passit Study Guides for Humber Course 2. Humber’s course is massive—almost 4 times larger than Course 1—brace yourself for 4,800+ online screens. Want to know what you really need to know? Let Study Buddy consolidate the content and make sense of complex topics with professionally-developed notes that are accurate, comprehensive and continually updated.

- Easy-to-read condensed topic overviews to improve understanding and streamline study time.
- Just the facts, no fluffy stuff! Reliable and focused key topic explanations.
- Study smart, not hard! Content prioritized by degree of importance (green, yellow and red).
- Engaging visuals to demonstrate how topics fit together.
- Avoid reading overload. Dive into Passit MCQs and Rapid Recalls to keep your brain engaged. TERMinator quizzes just add a bit of fun!
Study Buddy is perfect for last-minute reviews. Solidify what you’ve already read but maybe not fully understood. It’s a perfect companion to the awesome Passit features that you already love.
Get started now with a Passit Study Guide for Humber Course 2!
4 Responses to Study Buddy Now Available for Humber Course 2
When will Study Buddy for Course 3 be available?
Hi Richard, we replied to your email same-day but didn’t realize until now that you had also posted a question here. For others that may have the same question, here’s the info for Study Buddy for Humber Course 3 & 4 availability: The Study Buddy feature for Humber Course 3 and 4 is currently in development and we have not yet set a timeframe for this feature’s availability. Study Buddy is custom-developed by real estate education experts specifically for each Humber real estate course and takes a significant amount of development time. We’ve had fantastic feedback on the helpfulness of the Passit Guides for Humber Course 3 and Humber Course 4 to prepare for the exam (without the new Study Buddy feature). We recommend a module-by-module approach — use the Passit Power Plan (on the study guide main menu) for helpful study strategies and tips. These guides integrate all of the content into the practice questions, including detailed answer feedback, topic tips and market realities. These guides also includes a “Hot Topics & FAQs” section on the main menu which provides must-know info, tips and content explanations. Want to receive an email alert when Study Buddy is available? Sign up here.
Hi, just asking if I will buy passit now is it updated for the new updated pre -registration real estate program which will take place on April 29 for course 2 ?please inform me because I want to buy it now.
Hi Noushig, yes, Passit Guides will be updated to coincide with Humber’s updates. You can buy your guide at any time, and the guide will be auto-updated to reflect the changes as they are rolled out by Humber.