2021 Humber College Real Estate Course Updates
Passit Guides are regularly revised, updated and improved so you can trust that what you're studying is relevant. You don't need to worry about outdated content, tracking revisions or timing the purchase, activation or use of your study guide.
Humber College recently announced content updates that will be implemented throughout the Real Estate Salesperson Program in a phased approach between April and May, 2021. Passit Guides will be auto-updated to include these revisions as they become available. Date notations will be added where necessary to indicate when changes take effect for the exam.
The short story—there’s nothing you need to do! Your Passit Guide will be current, up-to-date and appropriately documented to indicate all applicable course changes, along with key dates where applicable. You can purchase and activate your guide at any time. When course revisions are made they will be added to each guide and tagged with an effective date. Where applicable we’ll provide a summary of what has changed, so you don’t need to re-read content you’ve already covered.
We take the stress out of these transitions—Passit updates are informative and seamless. Passit is comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date, so you can focus on the important stuff—PASSING YOUR EXAM!
Not ready for your exam? Get started with a Passit Online Study Guide today!
8 Responses to 2021 Humber College Real Estate Course Updates
Hello, just wondering if you guys will have “study buddy” section for exam 3? Currently you guys do not have it and I’m just wondering before I purchase it if you’ll be getting it anytime soon?
Hi Moe, yes, this feature is in development for Humber Course 3. We are not yet able to estimate an availability date but you can sign up for email updates here.
The study guide for Humber Course 3 has been available for over a year and we’ve had fantastic feedback on its helpfulness to prepare for the exam (without the new Study Buddy feature). We recommend a module-by-module approach using the Passit Power Plan for this guide as it gives some helpful study strategies and tips. All of this guide’s content is integrated into the practice questions, including detailed answer feedback, topic tips and market realities. This guide also includes a “Hot Topics & FAQs” section on the main menu which provides some must know info, tips and content explanations.
If we can answer any additional questions please let us know!
Is there anything to help out for course 4 simulation exam?
Hi Taj, we are working on a study guide for the Simulation 2 exam that you complete subsequent to Course 4. We aren’t yet able to provide an availability date but you can sign up here to receive updates when new Passit Guides and features are announced. Thanks for checking in with us!
Hello there you guys had internship provincial exam help ?
Hi Zafar, we are currently working on a study guide for the interprovincial exam, but it is not yet available. In the meantime you may want to consider one or more of the Passit pre-registration guides as they cover much of the content you need for the interprovincial exam. To receive an email notification when the Passit guide for the interprovincial exam is ready please sign up at https://confirmsubscription.com/h/i/2A4423E721E2A596
I need practice exam 2 questions? If you have please let me know
Hi Pawanpreet, yes, we offer a fully comprehensive study guide for Humber Course 2, including over 1,000 practice multiple choice questions. You’ll find all the details here: https://passit.ca/humber-course-2-residential-real-estate-transactions