Introducing Connect — A New Online Community for Humber Real Estate Students
As of 2024, the user forum that began alongside the Humber College real estate program in 2019 is no longer active. While this platform served as a valuable resource for many aspiring real estate professionals over the years, we have decided to focus our efforts on continuously enhancing Passit study guides. These guides remain the most popular, relevant, and helpful resources available for the Humber College real estate exams, consistently updated to reflect the latest course materials and provide expert-level educational insights.
For those registered in the new Humber College Real Estate Salesperson Program, you’ve likely realized there’s no way to connect with other students. Most courses are online-only, and that can leave you feeling isolated or out-of-the-loop.
To help, Passit has created an online community for Humber College real estate students to share, learn and communicate with other people in the program. It’s a go-to destination to connect with other students who are facing the same challenges.
Get connected now. The platform is easy to use and free.
37 Responses to Introducing Connect — A New Online Community for Humber Real Estate Students
Registered for Course 1 Real Estate Essentials. Dead line is Oct 17, 2019. Anyone registered in the same course?
Hi Ankit – you’ll find others completing this program at humber.passit.ca.
Hi, There seems to be an error with the link provided. Do you happen to have an alternate link? Thanks
Hi Toni – give this link a try, we aren’t having any trouble here: https://humber.passit.ca. If you have any issues please let us know!
any word on when in October it will be on the website? Just wrote my first exam for real estate essentials and got a 71 percent, so back to the drawing board and could use some help.
Hi Jack, we’re sorry to hear – that’s frustrating to be so close to a pass! We haven’t yet set a release date for the Passit Guide for your course for Real Estate Essentials but anticipate it will be available in the latter part of October. You can receive email alerts for all important Passit Humber updates by signing up here, and you can connect with others in your program using Connect.
That’s a great mark considering you didn’t have Passit as a resource! Any insight from your experience from the 1st exam?
Hi Jack. Can you please share your experience about the exam? How many questions there were? Did the questions came from the review part that are available at the end of each module on Humber learning portal?
Hi Shah – you’ll find many of these questions answered at humber.passit.ca (and if not, you can ask a question there). For the first course, Real Estate Essentials, you should expect a two hour exam with 75 multiple choice questions. Each exam is different and will challenge your knowledge of the course material (don’t expect a repeat of the questions in the course). Hope that helps!
Does anyone know how long it will take to complete all the courses? Can it be done on 6 months?
Hi Lynda – the timing to complete the courses depends on a few factors. RECO has indicated it could take as little as 6 months, but keep in mind in-class and exam scheduling may impact that timeframe depending on your location.
To get your real estate license will it ever be going into a classroom? Or will it Be online only?
Hi Brendon, the entire program is online, with the exception of two in-class sessions after Course #3 and Course #4. The first is 35 hours, the second is 30 hours. Humber has indicated there will be weekday, weekend and evening options available. Class and exam locations are available here.
Hi , Unfortunately I could not finish off reading till the last day and now can not access the lessons. Only last 4 lessons in the last module are left. Can someone help
Hi Ravneet – your best point of contact is Humber learner support – they’ll be able to assist you!
Phone the college and they will guide you to get the course online.
hi. is there any guide book for humber college to help passing the exam? just like orea prepration gude book .
its make it easier plus it takes less time for study,
Hi Hooman, yes! We will be offering Passit Guides for Humber Courses. The first guide is currently in development for Humber’s Real Estate Essentials. We’re anticipating availability for this guide in late October. You can sign up here to receive email notifications for new Humber guides.
I’m very confused with the new Humber stuff, was the OREA 5 exams 6 courses and now the Humber is 4 exams 5 courses and they choose how long each course should take is that correct? Is the Humber easier than OREA? Thanks
Hi Josh, yes, your info regarding the number of pre-registration courses and exams is correct. The learning paths and course materials are very different between the Humber and OREA programs. You don’t have a choice of which one to take – if you’ve already started your pre-registration with OREA you’ll finish with OREA, but otherwise you will start with Humber (no new students can start the OREA program at this point). Hope that helps to clarify!
thank you admin.
do you have any idea about the rest 3 guide books? when they become available?
We haven’t set dates yet for the remaining guides but will ensure all updates are posted here on the blog, on the forum and via the email list.
Hello, I noticed to register for courses, you choose which week, does that mean I need to finish studying the course within that week? If so, what if the week is done and I still need to review the material to prepare for exam. Also, is there a timeframe that I must complete the exam after a course is done? Or I can take the exam whenever I choose to after I am done with a course?
Hi Mavi, when you choose a start date for your course you’ll be provided with a course deadline. That’s the timeline that you need to complete the course materials by, but you don’t lose access to your course after that time. Once you complete the course you have the ability to schedule your exam. You can book and complete the exam on your timeline, you have complete flexibility as to when, just keep in mind that the entire program must be completed in 24 months. You’ll be able to use your course materials to prepare for your exam. Hope that helps!
What should I focus my studying time on for the first exam?
Hi Anthony, there isn’t an easy for answer for this as every exam is different and the entire course is fair game. With that said, put less emphasis on Module 1 and greater emphasis on the remaining modules, ensuring you leave lots of time to digest Modules 5, 6 and 7. Once Passit is available we recommend using Passit in conjunction with your course materials – read the Module, then tackle 20 MCQs and 20 Rapid Recalls in Passit for that Module. Once you’re reaching 80%+ move to the next module!
Sounds great! However, when will Passit become available?
Hi Anthony, we’re finalizing the first guide now and anticipate having availability details available next week- we’ll send out an email announcement as soon as the info is ready. If you haven’t already you can sign up for email alerts here: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/i/2A4423E721E2A596
When will the Humber course 2 pass it be available?
Hi Jelena, our current focus is the release of the study guide for Course 1, but our team is working across all of the new pre-registration courses for Humber. We haven’t set a timeline for availability for Course 2 but you can sign up here to receive updates.
hey admin.
how to get a printed version of the book?
Hello! You’ll find this forum post helpful.
Hi, i recently bought the Passit guide for course 1. When i go to Rapid Recall, is it possible to access questions as per each module or Rapid Recall pops up questions from the entire course and there is no option to do it individually?
Also another question, my Humber college first course deadline show date 23rd November, does it mean i will not be able to access the course after that? What is the relevance of that date?
Thank You.
Hi Navjot, currently the Rapid Recalls cover the entire course and there isn’t an option to study module by module – the addition of a module selection option for Rapid Recalls is on our development timeline as a new feature, we hope to have that integrated soon. About your course deadline at Humber, that’s the date you need to complete the course materials by, but you will still have access to your course after that date, so you can review and prepare for your exam.
Okay, thank you for the quick response.
Hi, is there any update on the timeline for guide 2 humber real estate pass it guide?
Hi Sheetal, no update yet – we won’t set an estimated date until we’re sure we can meet it as many people will schedule their exams based on that info. As soon as info is available we’ll share it here, on the forum and out to the email alert list.