Study Buddy Arrives!
Study Buddy is now available in all Passit online study guides for Humber Course 1, Course 2, Course 3 and Course 4. This feature is accessed directly from the Main Menu of each study guide. If you haven't yet purchased a Passit Guide, get started now at passit.ca.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were pro-level study notes for your Humber Real Estate Course . . . in addition to all the awesome Passit features you already love? Well, now there is!
Study Buddy is a powerful interactive notes tool that drills down to the most mission critical course topics in an easy-to-use online format. It’s perfect as a sidekick for your Humber course materials or a great last minute reminder of crucial details. It’s available today in Passit’s Guide for Humber Course 1: Real Estate Essentials, Humber Course 2: Residential Real Estate Transactions. Humber Course 3: Additional Residential Real Estate Transactions. , and Humber Course 4: Commercial Real Estate Transactions. Here’s what other Passit users had to say about this feature:
“The new Study Buddy feature made studying easy! Concise, clear explanations, organized into meaningful sections so all you need to know about a topic is in one place. The organization of the content and the helpful summary illustrations helped me to really understand how it all fits together. If you want a thorough and accurate review of the course, this is a game changer!”
“Passit proved to be extremely useful in preparing me for the exam. I especially like the study buddy study notes!! Very helpful.”
“Couldn’t do this without Passit – Study buddy is amazing.”
“The Passit guide was ESSENTIAL! The Study Buddy made sense of difficult topics and helped me create a study plan. Loved it!”
“Really love the simplicity of the interface design, the clarity in wording especially in the Study Buddy and overall the summary charts are super helpful.”
Study Buddy was originally developed for select Passit OREA Guides, and it quickly became one of our most popular features. While our content team was hard at work developing new Humber Passit Guides, they were also combing through the course material to develop a unique learning experience for our Humber College real estate students.
Study Buddy is now available from the Main Menu of each Passit study guide. Access is immediate and expires when the study guide expires. Here’s a preview:

Get started now and fast-track your studies!
30 Responses to Study Buddy Arrives!
This is great!!! Will there be a study buddy for course 2???
Hi Portia, yes, there will be a Study Buddy feature for Course 2. This material is currently in development, and a release date hasn’t been set yet! You can use the Follow button on the Course 2 thread of the Passit Humber forum to be notified by email when an update is available.
Is course2 study buddy out now? Thanks
Hi Ashdeep, sorry for the late reply! Study Buddy is not yet ready for Course 2, but is coming very soon! We expect to be making an announcement about availability in the next week or so.
Good afternoon:
What is your anticipated release date for the Humber Course 2 Study Buddy notes?
With Thanks
Hi Susan, this feature is in it’s final stages now, but we haven’t yet set an availability date (it will depend on our final review and edits required). We’ll post again here once we can provide an update!
Any updates on study buddy for course ?
Hi Thuba, the next Study Buddy to be added will be for Humber Course 2, and you can expect an announcement regarding an availability date in the next couple of weeks!
I absolutely loved the Studdy Buddy notes for Course 1. It provided the perfect structure for studying in combo with the Passit testing. My exam for Course 2 is on Jan 15 and I’m diving into studying now that I’ve completed the reading. Is there any chance that the SB notes for Course 2 will be available by Jan 4? Fingers crossed.
Hi Tamara – we’re glad you love the new Study Buddy feature! We will be making an announcement about the availability of Humber Course 2 Study Buddy in the next couple of weeks, so it will likely be too late for your exam. Once available it will be auto-added to the Main Menu for each Humber Course 2 guide. In the interim, make sure you read the Hot Topics and FAQs document in your study guide – it gives some important pointers for items you need to know and the most important sections of the course to review/understand.
Is there any update on the course 2 study buddy feature?
Hi Kamila, the Study Buddy feature for Humber Course 2 was released today, and is now available from the main menu of all Passit Online Study Guides for Course 2.
Hello, I loved study buddy for courses 1 and 2! I was just wondering when it will be available for course 3?
Hi Brooke! Apologies for the late reply – this message somehow ended up in spam and we just realized now. We’re glad you enjoyed Study Buddy in Courses 1 & 2 – it is our most popular new feature for the Humber courses. The Study Buddy feature for Humber Course 3 and 4 is currently in development and we have not yet set a timeframe for this feature’s availability. Study Buddy is custom-developed by real estate education experts specifically for each Humber real estate course and takes a significant amount of development time. We’ve had fantastic feedback on the helpfulness of the Passit Guides for Humber Course 3 and Humber Course 4 to prepare for the exam (without the new Study Buddy feature). We recommend a module-by-module approach — use the Passit Power Plan (on the study guide main menu) for helpful study strategies and tips. These guides integrate all of the content into the practice questions, including detailed answer feedback, topic tips and market realities. These guides also includes a “Hot Topics & FAQs” section on the main menu which provides some must-know info, tips and content explanations. Want to receive an email alert when Study Buddy is available? Sign up here.
study body corse 3??
Hi Chelsea – The Study Buddy feature for Humber Course 3 and 4 is currently in development and we have not yet set a timeframe for this feature’s availability. Study Buddy is custom-developed by real estate education experts specifically for each Humber real estate course and takes a significant amount of development time. We’ve had fantastic feedback on the helpfulness of the Passit Guides for Humber Course 3 and Humber Course 4 to prepare for the exam (without the new Study Buddy feature). We recommend a module-by-module approach — use the Passit Power Plan (on the study guide main menu) for helpful study strategies and tips. These guides integrate all of the content into the practice questions, including detailed answer feedback, topic tips and market realities. These guides also includes a “Hot Topics & FAQs” section on the main menu which provides some must-know info, tips and content explanations. Want to receive an email alert when Study Buddy is available? Sign up here.
When will you have study buddy for course 3/4 ready to go? There’s been no insight when to expect it?
This program is super helpful and can’t wait for the rest of them !
Please give an approximation.
Hi Luke, we’re glad you’ve enjoyed using the new Study Buddy feature! This is a new, no-extra charge feature that is not yet available in all guides. We’re currently working on Study Buddy for Humber Course 3 but not yet able to estimate an availability date. As you can imagine, this feature takes thousands of hours of development time to ensure it is comprehensive, accurate and helpful. Our timelines fluctuate as our team progresses through development. As soon as we are able to provide an estimate we will – we still have a lot of work to do so it won’t be available for a while yet.
In the interim, we recommend using the other great features of this guide with a module-by-module approach by following the Passit Power Plan for this guide. It gives some helpful study strategies and tips to get the most out of Passit. All of this guide’s content is integrated into the practice questions, including detailed answer feedback, topic tips and market realities. This guide also includes a “Hot Topics & FAQs” section on the main menu which provides some must know info, tips and content explanations.
Good day, the date for Study Buddy for course 3 is?
Hi Ramandeep – This feature is in development for Humber Course 3, but we are not yet able to estimate an availability date. You can sign up for email updates here.
The study guide for Humber Course 3 has been available for over a year and we’ve had fantastic feedback on its helpfulness to prepare for the exam (without the new Study Buddy feature). We recommend a module-by-module approach using the Passit Power Plan for this guide as it gives some helpful study strategies and tips. All of this guide’s content is integrated into the practice questions, including detailed answer feedback, topic tips and market realities. This guide also includes a “Hot Topics & FAQs” section on the main menu which provides some must know info, tips and content explanations.
If we can answer any additional questions please let us know!
Hello – When will the study buddy for Chapter 3 be released? I saw the thread and understand it has been in development for a few months now. Any idea of when?
Hi Sarah, we are in the final stages of this feature now – as you can imagine, this feature takes hundreds of hours of development time to ensure it is helpful, accurate and top-notch! Expect an announcement about availability in the next few weeks. You can sign up to receive an email notification here: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/i/2A4423E721E2A596.
Do you have a timeframe for study buddy course 4?
Hi Georgia, our team is well underway development of the Study Buddy feature for Humber Course 4, but we’re not yet able to estimate a timeline for availability. You can sign up here to receive an email notification when additional details are announced.
any updates its almost December now!? study buddy should be a top priority for course 4, as the study buddies are super helpful and well developed ?
We’re glad you’ve found the Study Buddy feature helpful! The Study Buddy feature for Course 4 is currently in its final stages of development, but we’re not yet able to provide an estimated availability date. It is likely to become available in the next 4-6 weeks (possibly sooner). You can sign up here to receive an email notification when this becomes available.
The Study Buddy feature is a new, no-added charge feature that is not yet available in all guides. We’ve had great feedback on the Passit Guide for Humber Course 4 without this new feature, using the module-by-module approach identified in the Passit Power Plan.
When is the study buddy for course 4 becomes available?
Hi Jennifer, this feature is in its final stages now, and is anticipated to be available in the next few weeks. You can sign up here to receive an email update. All active Course 4 guides will have access to the feature as soon as it’s ready (so you can purchase anytime, and the feature will be auto-added to your guide).
Any idea/update, when it will be exactly available? Need to work around the date.
Hi Karan, our apologies for the delayed reply to this! The Passit Study Buddy feature for Humber Course 4 is available today in all Passit Guides for Course 4.