
Course 1: Real Estate Essentials

Studying Metes and Bounds with Laptop at Desk

Metes and Bounds

Like it or not, metes and bounds descriptions lie at the heart of Ontario legal descriptions. As a British colony, we inherited a bunch of weird terms from Jolly Olde England; e.g., fee simple, fee tail, freehold, and metes and bounds. (Fortunately, it didn’t extend to driving on the left side of the road). Technically, […]


Young Man Studying Joint Tenancy and Land Ownership

Joint Tenancy: Think 'PITT'

Land ownership can be a challenge for students enrolled in Humber Course 1. It’s a substantial course and acronyms can help when getting ready for the exam. They are easy to remember and can help sharpen your recall abilities on that important day. Here’s an example. Joint tenancy is one of two forms of concurrent ownership […]


Humber Course 1 Student Studying Passit on a Laptop

Passit for Humber Course 1 Available Now

The Passit team is excited to announce the first guide for the new Humber Real Estate Salesperson Program is available for purchase now. The Passit Guide for Course 1: Real Estate Essentials was created from scratch to ensure you have a powerful study sidekick for your exam. It includes: 400+ Multiple Choice Questions 550+ Rapid […]


New Passit Guide Coming Soon

Passit for Course 1 Available Monday, November 4th

We know many have been waiting for this! Passit for Humber’s first pre-registration course, Real Estate Essentials, will be available starting Monday, November 4, 2019. Each guide requires an extensive content development timeframe to ensure you receive a helpful, accurate and powerful study tool. The finishing touches are underway and we’re looking forward to next […]


Calendar for Choosing Your Humber Exam Date for Real Estate Essentials

Exam Scheduling Strategy

There has been some confusion as the Humber courses start because the course and exam scheduling follows a more traditional College structure than previously used for OREA exams. Here’s what you need to know: Each Humber real estate course has a definitive course completion time. For example, the first course Real Estate Essentials has a two-week completion […]


Class Learning About Ontario Land Titles System

Land Titles and Lost Marks

Land titles now dominates land registry in Ontario, as the registry system has all but left the scene. However, it’s easy to lose exam marks on some basic questions about how properties are registered in this province. Here’s a ‘land titles’ quick test. The land titles system: uses abstract books when recording relevant property rather […]


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