An athlete chokes when he or she fails under pressure: The golfer missing an easy but critical putt; the football fumble on the final field goal attempt; or the missed gear shift on the final race restart. Choking also happens in exams. The main culprit: paralysis by analysis or simply over thinking. Stress and anxiety can consume […]
Don’t let your study world be consumed with reading and rushing, rather than concentrating. Reading comprehension is everything when it comes to exams. Here’s an example: The legal structure of a condominium is set out in the declaration and description, and typically consists of individually-owned units and common property held by unit owners in joint tenancy. […]
Important Study Rule: Don’t gloss over the glossary. Here are examples of common terms in the Real Estate as a Professional Career textbook glossary that cause trouble for some students: Agent and Principal Mortgagee and Mortgagor REALTOR® and Registrant Agency and Representation Mean, Median and Mode Market Price and Market Value Rentable Area and Useable Area Nominal and […]
If you get a failing grade, don’t blame the exam or badly worded questions. Forget about the old: They’re just trying to trick me. They’re really not out to confuse you. Relax . . . each MCQ has been carefully thought out and rigidly tested. All the information that you need is provided in the question. […]
There’s nothing to gain over needless worrying, but lots to lose. Many things can lead to exam anxiety: Cramming at the last minute, getting run down, drinking too much coffee the night before (or the day of) the exam, getting wrapped up in other people’s stress just prior to entering the exam hall, applying false […]
Eliminate confusion about these online marketing techniques when studying for the OREA exam. Many students stumble over a Passit MCQ about push/pull technology (Real Estate as a Professional Career). It’s a straightforward concept discussed in the course text, but it seems to cause some problems. Here’s two summary points to help with your studies: An […]
When buying real estate, it’s location, location, location. When studying for real estate exams, it’s practice, practice, practice. PassIt content developers know the value of the three P’s. Simply put, adults learn best by doing. Learning by doing (i.e., practising with lots of MCQ’s) allows you to fine tune skills with lots of different question formats and […]
Having problems finding the right answer? Here’s a mind shift: Don’t! Eliminate the wrong ones instead. It’s a subtle change in perspective but can be effective when analyzing multiple choice questions. Not only do you arrive at the correct answer by the process of elimination, but you also know why the other three are incorrect. […]
So, you’ve been busy juggling work, family and study time, and now the OREA exam is less than a week away. Here’s our master study plan for getting the most out of Passit during those last few days: Set aside 45 minutes for each study session Warm yourself up with 10 Rapid Recalls Challenge 20 […]
Get a little uptight before an exam? Most people do. You’ve probably heard this before: Practice deep breathing for relaxation. Research suggests that deep, controlled breathing not only injects more oxygen to the brain (which is always good), but also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (which handles stress . . . you know that old fight […]
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