
Course 3: Additional Residential Real Estate Transactions

Upcoming TRESA Changes to the Humber Polytechnic Real Estate Program

TRESA Phase 2 came into effect December 1st, 2023. Humber Polytechnic real estate course materials and exams will be changing but a timeline has not been provided. Currently, students learn REBBA throughout the pre-registration phase and TRESA is only introduced in the final course (Course 5, which has no exam). Consequently, every Humber real estate exam is currently based solely on REBBA, not TRESA.


It's Here. A Smarter, Faster Way to Study!

At Passit, we’re always working to deliver the most powerful and efficient tools to tackle Ontario real estate exams. Today, we are excited to announce a major (free!) upgrade to Passit for Courses 1, 2, 3 and 4 that will transform the way you study, making it easier, faster and more effective than ever before. […]


Humber To Increase Fees for the Real Estate Salesperson and Broker Programs as of January 1, 2023

Completing the education requirements for real estate salesperson or broker registration in Ontario is about to get more expensive. Quoting evolving program delivery costs, Humber College announced yesterday that the minimum cost to complete the program (assuming no exam re-writes) will rise from $3,590 to $4,110 for those pursuing registration as a salesperson, and from […]


Putting the Exam Puzzle Pieces Together

Counting Days for Closing Adjustments—Use a Rhyme

The typical Humber Course 2 and Course 3 exams includes at least one question on either closing adjustments or pro-rated rent. The number of days in a month may be needed to calculate the correct answer. Here’s a well-known rhyme to help remember the days in each month (not provided in the Humber exam): Thirty days […]


Study Buddy for Humber Course 3: It's Here!

Say goodbye to out-of-date notes. Study Buddy makes it easier than ever to tackle your exam with confidence. Your favourite Passit feature has arrived for Humber Course 3, and it’s better than ever! Study Buddy 3 brings everything you’ve come to love and the magic you’ve been asking for: More TipsMore ExamplesMore ExplanationsAll of the awesome. This course is all about […]


Passit Real Estate Student Studying For Exam

2021 Humber College Real Estate Course Updates

Passit Guides are regularly revised, updated and improved so you can trust that what you’re studying is relevant. You don’t need to worry about outdated content, tracking revisions or timing the purchase, activation or use of your study guide. Humber College recently announced content updates that will be implemented throughout the Real Estate Salesperson Program […]


Ontario Real Estate Student COVID-19 Questions

COVID-19 & Humber Course 3 Update

Over the past few weeks, the outbreak of COVID-19 has caused unprecedented change to the way we all live and work. Many have been caught in a transitional time while preparing for a new real estate career. This post is intended to give some helpful updates and suggestions to assist with exam delays. Why Haven’t […]


Studying for Course 3

Humber Course 3: Top 10 Tips & Study Strategies

Passit Online Study Guides are now available for these Humber courses:Course 1: Real Estate Essentials,Course 2: Residential Real Estate Transactions,Course 3: Additional Residential Real Estate Transactions, and ​​​​​​​Course 4: Commercial Real Estate Transactions. If you’re prepping for the Course 3 exam, you’ve likely heard rumours that this exam is a tough one! As a free […]


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