
Passit Pulse

The Inside Scoop on the Ontario Real Estate Profession

Office Meeting Discussing Organized Real Estate

Who's Who? RECO, CREA, OREA and the Real Estate Boards.

Make sure you know what differentiates RECO from organized real estate. Often, one or more exam questions for Humber College Course 1: Real Estate Essentials focus on it. Don’t get confused and lose valuable marks! RECO RECO (the Real Estate Council of Ontario) is the regulatory body that oversees all real estate registrants (salespersons, brokers […]


3d man with multiple opportunities and options for selection.

The Forgetting Curve

Adult learners are prone to the forgetting curve. This curve is simply a fact of life; memory diminishes with age. The answer for most adult learners, when studying for a Humber real estate examination, lies in repetition and active recall. It goes without saying that you remember things that are firmly embedded in your brain. Strong […]


Passit for Humber College Simulation 2—Now Available

The newest Passit study guide has all the dynamic learning features you love: For Simulation… there’s more!  Case Studies Tackle challenging, multi-part case studies to practice for course simulations, while also expanding your knowledge for real-world scenarios. Test Triggers Our newest high-demand feature! Test Triggers pinpoint facts buried in the simulations that are high-value exam […]


Humber To Increase Fees for the Real Estate Salesperson and Broker Programs as of January 1, 2023

Completing the education requirements for real estate salesperson or broker registration in Ontario is about to get more expensive. Quoting evolving program delivery costs, Humber College announced yesterday that the minimum cost to complete the program (assuming no exam re-writes) will rise from $3,590 to $4,110 for those pursuing registration as a salesperson, and from […]


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