
Passit Pulse

The Inside Scoop on the Ontario Real Estate Profession

Understanding Different Types of Real Estate Value

Value, Value!

Having problems understanding different types of value? Here’s some examples that may help. Subjective Value: Subjective values are influenced by personal opinion; e.g., what a person is willing to pay another for a house based on his or her own feelings, tastes and opinions. Beauty (and value) are in the eyes of the beholder. A buyer may […]


Putting the Exam Puzzle Pieces Together

Counting Days for Closing Adjustments—Use a Rhyme

The typical Humber Course 2 and Course 3 exams includes at least one question on either closing adjustments or pro-rated rent. The number of days in a month may be needed to calculate the correct answer. Here’s a well-known rhyme to help remember the days in each month (not provided in the Humber exam): Thirty days […]


Study Buddy for Humber Real Estate Course 4 — Available Now

“This is a game-changer” We know you’ve been waiting for this! Your favourite new Passit feature has arrived for Humber Course 4… and it’s awesome. Study Buddy 4 brings everything you’ve come to love about Passit and delivers it in a way that’s logical, concise and easy to understand. The best part? It’s included in all Passit Study Guides for […]


Study Buddy Arrives!

Study Buddy is now available in all Passit online study guides for Humber Course 1, Course 2, Course 3 and Course 4. This feature is accessed directly from the Main Menu of each study guide. If you haven’t yet purchased a Passit Guide, get started now at Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were […]


Salesperson Preparing For The Humber Broker Qualifying Exam

Your Journey To Becoming a Real Estate Broker Just Got A Lot Simpler

Passit for the Humber College Broker Qualifying Exam is available now! If you’ve considered pursuing your broker’s license, there’s a new obstacle—a qualifying exam before admission to the Broker Program. Fear not! From the same reliable source you trusted for your pre-registration exams comes a pro-level study guide for the new Humber College Broker Qualifying Exam. This 3-hour cumulative theory exam is mandatory and challenging. Exam […]


Study Buddy for Humber Course 3: It's Here!

Say goodbye to out-of-date notes. Study Buddy makes it easier than ever to tackle your exam with confidence. Your favourite Passit feature has arrived for Humber Course 3, and it’s better than ever! Study Buddy 3 brings everything you’ve come to love and the magic you’ve been asking for: More TipsMore ExamplesMore ExplanationsAll of the awesome. This course is all about […]


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